IFSC Code - Find IFSC Code & MICR Code For All Indian Banks

About IFSC Code - Find IFSC Code & MICR Code For All Indian Banks

Tips to search by IFSC Codes

  • IFSC code is 11 characters in size.
  • IFSC code is Alphanumeric and contains a combination of alphabets and numbers.
  • First 4 characters are alphabetic characters representing the bank name. A list is given below for reference.
  • 5th character is 0 (zero) and reserved for future use.
  • Last 6 characters are usually numbers but can also be alphabets. These represent a branch of the bank.

An IFSC Code is an 11-digit code that identifies a particular bank branch for online money transfers. It is a unique code assigned to each bank branch in India to enable online fund transfers and other financial transactions.

IFSC stands for Indian Financial System Code and is used for transferring money from one bank account to another and for online banking activities such as NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS. It is an alphanumeric code that is required for specific banking transactions. It is also used by banks and other financial institutions to facilitate payments and banking operations.

The IFSC Code contains essential information like the bank's name, the bank's branch, the bank's location and the bank's account number. This code is used by banks and other financial institutions to identify the bank and its branch. It is also used by money transfer companies and remittance companies to process money transfers to India.

IFSC Codes are essential for many financial transactions, including the transfer of funds between banks, the payment of bills, and the transfer of money to and from overseas. It is also used by banks and other financial institutions to facilitate transactions between customers and businesses.

The importance of IFSC Codes has grown with the development of online banking and e-commerce. It helps in providing a secure and fast way for customers to transfer funds from one bank account to another. It is also used for online purchases and payments, and for online bill payments.

IFSC Codes are used for online banking activities such as NEFT, RTGS and IMPS. It is also used by banks to make payments and receive funds from other banks and financial institutions.

By using IFSC Codes, customers can easily and quickly transfer funds from one bank to another. It is also used for online payments and online purchases. It helps in providing a secure and fast way for customers to transfer money and make payments.

IFSC Codes are essential for many financial transactions, including the transfer of funds between banks, the payment of bills, and the transfer of money to and from overseas. With the increasing importance of online banking and e-commerce,

IFSC Codes have become even more important. IFSC Codes are also used by banks and financial institutions to facilitate payments and transactions between customers and businesses. It helps in providing a secure and fast way for customers to transfer funds and make payments.