JS Minifier

Enter your JS code to compress:

Add up to 10 multiple JS files (Size Limit: 2MB per file)

About JS Minifier

Why use Javascript Minifier?

The purpose of minifcation is to increase the speed of a website. Minimisation can make a script up to 20% smaller, resulting in a faster download time. Some developers will also use it to 'obfuscate' their code. This makes it difficult for the code to be read, thereby making it more difficult to reverse engineer or copy.

It is also common practice to combine all the Javascript files for a single website into one file. This has a number of benefits. It reduces the number of HTTP request that need to be made to get all the elements of a website. It also makes minification and gzip compression more effective.

There are a number of reasons why compressing your javascript files is a good idea:

  • Reduced bandwidth consumption of your website.
  • Reduced number of HTTP requests on your server when combining many javascript files into one compressed file, thus reducing the server load and allowing more visitors to access your website.
  • Quicker download times for your users.
  • Comments and whitespace are not needed for javascript execution; Removing them will reduce file size and speed up script execution times.