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Long Tail Keyword Suggestion

Keyword Suggestions

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# Keyword Keyword Length Word Count

About Long Tail Keyword Suggestion

What are Long-Tail Keywords?

Essentially, a long-tail keyword is more like a keyphrase. For instance, “fitness” is often a keyword in Google search. Something like, “fitness for obese people” is a long-tail keyword or phrase.

Coincidentally, the two terms I just mentioned mean the difference between 3.35 billion and 33.7 million search pages. This removes 100 times the results, which makes it that much easier to rank.

Think of “long-tail” as consisting of three or more words relevant to the topic of which you’re writing. So the example of “fitness for obese people” would consist of content to help very overweight people get fit.

Why are Long-Tail Keywords Important?

About 70% of searches performed on the Internet are considered, “long-tail.” This means you should add these elements to your content to drive focused visitors.

Perhaps the most important reasons to learn how to find long-tail keywords for SEO include:

  • Less Competition
    When you focus more on details, there is less of a chance to compete with others. For instance, “healthy ways to cook chicken” would have less competition that simply, “cook chicken.”
  • Keeping Content “Natural”
    Google loves it when you keep content sounding “natural” and conversational. Using long-tail keywords helps enhance the experience for both readers and search bots alike.
  • More Focused Audience
    A lot of bounces in search are often the result of visitors not finding what they’re looking for on your site. Using long-tail keywords helps you zero in on a specific audience.
  • Often Less Expensive for Ads
    Instead of bidding for highly competitive keywords in systems like AdWords or Facebook Ads, long-tail phrases often result in lower costs with higher returns. That’s because you’re more focused on a specific audience.

In reality, long-tail keywords help you find specific people on the Internet.

Let’s say that I wanted to build a blog focused on health and fitness for gamers. I wouldn’t simply center around the keywords “healthy and fitness.” I would also include game terms and other signifiers to grab the attention of gamers specifically.

Where Can You Find Long-Tail Keywords?

Although some of your content is easy when it comes to creating long-tail keywords, it can often become a chore. That’s when using online tools becomes necessary as well as convenient.

And since most will base results on current search trends, you can find some excellent long-tail keywords to accentuate your content.