
Best Anti Adblock Detector Script For Blogger 2022

10/08/2022 12:00 AM by SEO in Seo

Friends, if your website is on blogger then today's post is only for you. Because through this post today, I am going to provide you Anti Adblock Detector Script For Blogger absolutely free! With the help of which you can boost Adsense Earning of your blogger website.

How To Work Best Anti Adblock Detector Script For Blogger

If you will apply the script that I am going to give you in your blogger site, then whenever such a user will come to the API site! Whoever has installed any kind of Adblocker, then our website will not be open in front of him. Until he turns off his extensions!

And after this, it will continue to be shown on our website through a popup that you turn off your adblocker, only then you can visit our website! So if your content is important to that user, then he will definitely turn off his adblocker! And your website will open in front of it.

How To Add Anti Adblock Script In Blogger 


To add this script to your blogger website, first you have to open your blogger's dashboard. After this you have to go to the theme section and click on edit html! Now the complete coding of your theme will be open in front of you! Now you have to search </head> in this coding! And just below it you have to paste this script which I have given you! After that you have to save your theme!

 So friends, this was our today's post Anti Adblock Detector Script For Blogger! I sincerely hope that you must have liked this information! So if you liked this post, then do share it with your friends too!

<style type='text/css'>
/* Animation */
@keyframes fadeInDown{0%{opacity:0;transform:translateY(-20px)}100%{opacity:1;transform:translateY(0)}}
@keyframes rubberBand{from{transform:scale3d(1,1,1)}30%{transform:scale3d(1.25,0.75,1)}40%{transform:scale3d(0.75,1.25,1)}50%{transform:scale3d(1.15,0.85,1)}65%{transform:scale3d(.95,1.05,1)}75%{transform:scale3d(1.05,.95,1)}to{transform:scale3d(1,1,1)}}
/* Say Hi to Adblock */
#arlinablock{background:rgba(0,0,0,0.65);position:fixed;margin:auto;left:0;right:0;top:0;bottom:0;overflow:auto;z-index:999999;animation:fadeInDown 1s}
#arlinablock .header{margin:0 0 15px 0}
#arlinablock .inner{background:#e3482d;color:#fff;box-shadow:0 5px 20px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);text-align:center;width:600px;padding:40px;border-radius:5px;margin:7% auto 2% auto;animation:rubberBand 1s}
#arlinablock button{padding:10px 20px;border:0;background:rgba(0,0,0,0.15);color:#fff;margin:20px 5px;cursor:pointer;transition:all .3s}
#arlinablock button:hover{background:rgba(0,0,0,0.35);color:#fff;outline:none}
#arlinablock button.active,#arlinablock button:hover.active{background:#fff;color:#222;outline:none}
#arlinablock .fixblock{background:#fff;text-align:left;color:#000;padding:20px;height:250px;overflow:auto;line-height:30px}
#arlinablock .fixblock div{display:none}
#arlinablock .fixblock div.active{display:block}
#arlinablock ol{margin-left:20px}
@media(max-width:768px){#arlinablock .inner{width:calc(100% - 20px);margin:10px auto;padding:15px}}
<script type='text/javascript'>
// Say Hi to Adblock
function downloadJSAtOnload(){var e=document.createElement("script");e.src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Arlina-Design/quasar@master/arlinablock.js",document.body.appendChild(e)}window.addEventListener?window.addEventListener("load",downloadJSAtOnload,!1):window.attachEvent?window.attachEvent("onload",downloadJSAtOnload):window.onload=downloadJSAtOnload;

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